Wednesday 30 April 2008

For the Heart I once Had – Reeko

Yeah yeah yeah. First shmurst that's what I always say, especially when I'm not first. When I am first I tend to say things like "WINNER! ME! I AM THE WINNER! You? LOSER!". But enough about me...

Negative space boys and girls. That's what we've got going on here. both in my robot themed image and in Owen's excellent tasteful submission.

In Owen's picture the space between the crack and the swing figure draws you through the empty cold and gorgeous layered greys to the fading hills beyond. Your eye is then thrown around the piece providing interest and challenging you. If you don't ask questions of your audience why are they going to spend time with you?

Now with my piece of jackassary I'm messing with your perspective. The space between the heart and the robots allows me to throw you all over the place to look up to what's above. Positioning the viewer in a very definite place in the image.

And you people thought I just throw this stuff together... ;)


Owen said...

Nice one! Love it. Didn't see the robots first but as you accurately described, it's all about the negative space.

I'm loving the colour scheme too, yellow and grey are underrated in the extreme. I think I'm gonna have to go for a two colour graphic style at some point.

Love the interpretation, it totally makes sense of a difficult title to draw literally!

Reeko said...

Ta muchly.

I spent most of the time on this one putting stuff in and the knocking it out. I had figures around the heart and all sorts of jazz.

I'm not amazingly pleased with it but then that's my main feeling with every image I do. Ah well. There's always another one...