Monday 2 June 2008

All That's Left - Jones

So, um, yeah. Bit embarrassed really this month... TOLD YOU SO! Ahem, excuse me...

Time really got away from me and I didn't end up having enough of it left to do the super cool ideas I had for this fantastic title! How annoying.

Anyway, excuses aside, here's my rushed, slightly scraped together, and in all honesty, probably half-arsed depiction. Please be gentle Mr Reeko! I'll get back on it this month, honest.


Reeko said...

Na, man, I like it! It's actually more subtle that you think it is... there was a good two or three seconds as I went... "Traffic signs, you what... Oh!"

I think this approach should be encouraged. Silly little word plays are a good move in my book!

Owen said...

Cheers! Yeah, I like the concept but I'd like to have done a decent illustration to do it justice! Never mind. I had great plans involving the last sweet in a jar with lots of bug-eyed kids oggling it! That or a cockroach after a nuclear blast!!