Sunday 1 June 2008

All That's Left – Reeko

So, I figured it was time to throw the smack down.

Yup I broke out my big guns, pen and ink baby! I'm sticking with robots, in fact I might even make it a "theme"... at least until I get bored with it... and produced a nicely contemplative piece all is glorious grey scale.

And I know Jones won't be posting until tomorrow due to broadband issues so I'm gonna get a full day's head start. Game on...


Owen said...

Nicely! Man I can see why your pen and ink stuff gets such good recognition. It's so clear despite being such a wild and chaotic technique - brilliant energy!

I like the continuity using the robot with 'The Heart He Once Had' missing on the top too! Presumably it refers to the last lyrics - '...we dug ourselves an early grave...'? It's kinda freaky but compelling - love it. You're definitely the winner this month...

I'm glad you're taking this seriously now! ;)

Ps. I'm glad one of us did this month... :(

Reeko said...

Thanks man, 'preciated! I'm all over this like a rash now!