Monday 7 July 2008

When The Night Feels My Song - Owen

Ahem. Time for an apology.

It has become apparent that my commitment to the Illustrated Song Titles cause has been somewhat lacking in recent months. I have allowed other elements of my life (lazing on a beach in Turkey for example) to distract me from the task in hand, and for this I'd like to offer my full and sincere apologies. I'd like to think that this has been a mere blip, and that I will have the opportunity to put right the wrongs from the past. 

With this in mind, I have decided to submit a rough sketch I did as preparation for my June entry (When The Night Feels My Song) and didn't have (or make) time to vectorize.

Please accept my apologies. I hope we never encounter this sort of ugly situation again in the future.

1 comment:

Reeko said...

Apology accepted Mr Jones!

You can really see how it would have looked as well, I don't think I've seen your sketching before! Very niiiiiiiiiice...