Monday 1 December 2008

Killer Queen - Gallusness

Right ok lets see if having tickled this up I can post it in a vaguely consistent fashion to how you guys normally do it…

My entry was a hark back to 50's B-movies and was going to feature a giant killer queen bee or a queen ant. I opted for the ant, as bugs and aliens and all things Starship Trooper esque have been on my mind this month (check for the full story).

So the big bad killer queen ant looks hungry. It's also been properly worked out and drawn up to ensure no October type situations occurred. Roll on December.


Gallusness said...

Ok so I might need lessons in how to get my posts to look as High quality as the versions I work up. They seem to lose quality at the uploading and preview stage - any suggestions?


Owen said...

Hmm, not sure why that would be. Don't think mine are losing anything they had before! Are you saving for web in Photoshop? You can control the compression there, might be an answer if not?

Owen said...

And back to the pic itself...

Nice B-movie aesthetic. I actually thought that the cowering lady was the queen initially, until I looked properly that is and realised the whole 'queen ant' thing!

I love the idea and the 'mixed media' effect, although one constructive criticism would be that the victim seems out of place to me. I'm not sure about the pose, and she doesn't seem to be looking at the ant, or at least at it's head/face/scary looking pincers! She seems to be floating/levitating a bit too?

I actually think one of my favourite bits is the steam shooting up in the top left corner!! Looks really atmospheric!

And once again, I love the diverse responses we've come up with! Now, where's Mr Reeko?

Gallusness said...

She is a lady that has been caught 'cock' watching a queen ant if that is even possible, hmmmmm.

Think they clue may be in the word Queen there.

Reeko said...

Love the direction of this and with my love of B movie posters, wish I'd thought of it!

I agree with Mr Jones' points, the only thing I'd add is where are they? It looks like the surface of Mars and if so, what's she doing there? Have the people of earth been teleported to Mars by an evil ant civilisation?! I take all back, I'm in now! That sounds like an ace movie!

Reeko said...

Oh yeah, the image thing. I have my jpg export on "high", "optimized" at 60% quality.

Gallusness said...

Cheers for the saving tips. I'll have a play. See it works ok on my own website?

Oh and Jones you know how I sent you an email saying I just had to do the backdrop and something else. The little lady was the something else. If I can get an IST entry I'm totally happy with I'll be amazed.

Still one more attempt for '08.