Monday 4 January 2010

Fairytale Of New York - Gallusness

Happy New Year.

Belated posting from Gallusness. One of 2010 resolutions is to learn to utilise the auto posting thing.


Once again this year I decided to keep it light on the time allowed front. Last years 12 minutes of Xmas became the 25 minutes of Xmas. Does that mean it's twice as good? Naaaa not really.

When I saw the title and original celeb limitation in my head I started thinking of how how fairytales start. Once upon a time… So I was thinking Once upon a time in New York. Which made me think of Once Upon A Time In America, which is kind of the same thing. It starred Robert De Niro, so I tried to quickly sketch him. I feel like the time made my drawing style to regress back to secondary school standard, oh well.

A fresh year awaits. I think looking back it's my limitation. Back in five.

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