Sunday 31 January 2010

Living Backwards - Jones

Ok, new job is going well thanks. But working on an IST entry in work time is now a DEFINITE NO NO. So having to stay late tonight and watch an important document print out has given chance to knock up my entry quickly.

The inspiration for this was a godsend. Harry Pearce, partner in design heavyweights Pentagram, came to Plymouth to give a lecture last week, which I attended. One of the famous pieces in his impressive folio is a book called 'Conundrums' - in my opinion, a glorified game of Dingbats (I hope he wouldn't mind me saying!), but a witty and simple idea. Google it if you haven't heard of it.

Anyway, the premise being - make the words into a picture, tell a story using just the words, make them literally say what they say. And here, on IST, Scott has kindly chosen a perfect example for me to pay homage with. Obviously, I had to take inspiration from the Aerogramme album cover too, hence the colours. But thank you Harry, and thank you Scott for the gift!

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