Monday 2 February 2009

Apple Tree - Reeko

I had 5 goes at this one. This one sucked least.

I was a bit under the weather one dark January day and decided to spend it doing my entry for this month. Several expensive sheets of Fabrianno that I may as well have just wiped my bum with later, I came up with this.

It's the result of chasing my self into a cul de sac with an idea bubble diagram. I think the train of thought was something about trees being factories and GM crops... oh well.

It's about a bazillion times better that the Adam and Eve stuff I was coming up with originally, so at least I got one point off the shop floor creatively. Roll on February!


Owen said...

Dude, don't panic!! Look at it again in a week or so and i'm sure you'll think differently - you're just in too close at the moment. I really like it! Composition is great, colours are really good too, and of course the style is very Reeko - particularly the energy in the factory drawings and the ability to know what to leave out and where to draw to (in specific the roots on the left hand side are great at hinting but not overpowering the composition).

Head up son, at least you're not a spurs fan! Oh, err. Um. I mean an Argyle fan...! ;)

Gallusness said...

What I like is that I look at your work and you have a total style. Like Mr Jones says could pick out a 'Reeko' piece which is cool.

I like that it's going a bit abstract but thing that got me going most. Sense I might be going a bit random here but it reminds me off Spirited Away? BUT nothing you've done subject or look wise is Spirited Away alike? Weird but that's what I think of. Haven't missed three bouncing green heads have I?

Good could our collective teams get much worse, life as a Magpie sucks (least transfer window open for another couple of hours so hope can remain that little while longer).

Reeko said...

Thanks gents! Much abliged!

Spirited Away eh? interesting...

A good rumour I heard today was Bent for Martins! A straight swap if ever I've heard of one...!

I spend the most time on my images deleting stuff. Put it in, knock it out, put a bit of it back in...

Gallusness said...

Oba Martins for Bent… I saw that but really hope that doesn't happen. He scored one of the greatest goals I've ever seen against you guys. We're in that post 5pm limbo wait to see what the fall out is.

I also just wanted to add a cheers I saved my entry as you previously suggested and it didn't seem to lose quality. Weird thing was I was saving it as a very high quality as opposed to high.

Reeko said...

Yeah? Very strange...