Tuesday 2 June 2009

Tell Me A Lie - Gallusness

Ok as promised here is my attempt from the wee sma hours of a Monday/Tuesday morning. Think it's better to regard this as a work in progress still. Feel it's going in the right direction but it needs finished properly. But in not wanting to hold up IST anymore thought best let you guys (and now gal) see what I've been up to.

My submission has come out of two thoughts. The first one was from one of the most classic film scenes of all time. By this I mean the Christopher Walken/Dennis Hopper interrogation in True Romance. The inspiration that came from there is basically Christopher Walkens claim that he is trained in the seventeen (I think) ways in which somebody can lie. In the film we all know what follows… Well I hope anyway!?

So that idea led me to trying to show one of he most obvious forms of telling a lie – reading somebody's eyes. With this decided I then thought if you were going to tell a lie lets go for a biggie. My illustration has taken the form of a possibly make or break time in someones life. There's a passionate arguement happening and the following has been thrown out there

"Look me in the eyes then and tell me a lie. Tell me you love me."

The illustration is meant to try and represent that moment just before a lie might happen. I've hopefully tried to capture an uncertainty and it's open to interpretation if you think a lie or not will follow.

I would just like to point out that despite a less cheery illustration this month life up here is grand. Just where my head went to this month. Also I fancied going back to a purely vector based entry this time (probably with the excepion of the background in my final attempt I'd wager!)


As was promised I've managed to grab a few wee snatches of spare time to revisit my Tell Me A Lie entry. This is at the stage now I'd originally hoped to have gotten for the end of May deadline. The main additions are the textured background and some gentle shading. Certain areas were simplified a little as well. Much happier with this one now.


Gallusness said...

Ha, as I said work in progress. REALLY not happy with what's happened to the colours since uploading this.

Gallusness shall return.

Owen said...

Hey Scott, good stuff - i actually like this more than your last couple of entries, don't be too hard on yourself!

There's some good depth to the shading and the pose/feeling is perfect. I think, personally, that the line work and curves could do with a bit of simplifying/refining in the hair and the top she's wearing, but the mood of the picture does exactly what you sound like you're aiming for.

Unfortunately, I don't think her lie is going to be very believable!!

Reeko said...

LOVE the pose! The eyes are so striking...

Vector traces are really tricky. It all about editing... so difficult to stop.

Intresting you took it that way, Mr Jones, I felt she was waiting for the reply! "Er.. yeah... I....love...you too! For sure!"

Good stuff. I remember a teacher once telling me "Never say something's a work in progress or an experiment, the only person who knows that is you!".

Christie Photopoulou said...

Scott, really cool entry! Love the basis for inspiration. Like Owen says, don't be hard on yourself, it's really hard to get the feel of an image right, and you have done just that.
Interesting how we all went for depicting some form of love when refering to lies!