Monday 1 June 2009

Tell Me A Lie – Reeko

As soon as I think about the Fratelli's, I automatically conjure up the first video I saw (probably for that do-de-do song) that featured a lavishing of 19th century imagery and as many "burlesque" dancers as they could round up on a wet Wednesday in Shoreditch.

Going down that route I imagined a Moulin Rouge style scene with one... gentleman caller... arriving swiftly after the next, the first sneaking out the back as she says "Why, Sir? What kept you? I have been waiting for you alone all evening..."

Bellow is the process, the main jump being a twist in angle half way through as I thought the image was just a bit static. Also, changing the arm into a silhouette really helps draw the eye rather than using colour as I had originally planned to.


Owen said...

Ah Mr Reekie, thou has't done a brilliant thing. I love this. I actually hadn't really noticed the arm grabbing the shoe straight away but I love it, the composition works perfectly, the colours are great and moody, and the story is told beautifully in a single image. Top marks my friend!

Gallusness said...
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Gallusness said...

Reeko, that is up there as probably one of the finest entries I've seen you do.

Love the thought, the story, the composition, the colouring and what I like most is probably the lighting.


Ps. Sorry to steal your comment space but my entry will follow in the wee sma hours of Monday/Tuesday morning. Work and the weather kept me busy this weekend and finishing my entry taken that little bit longer than expected. It's suitably different in style and subject matter to everyone else – phew.

Oh and that's NOT a lie!

Reeko said...

Thanks gents!

I was very pleased with this one.

I've been drawing digitally with a new peice of software and I think, although I love my pencil, the slick line is a real step up.

The other thing working digitally is I can resize and redraw to my heart's content and although I used to colour digitally, working in that way at the draft stage is what seems to make the difference.

Reeko said...

Oh, and no worries Scott! Personally, being a Ginger man the sun encourages me to stay in and draw... :)

Christie Photopoulou said...

I had a preview of this before it was finished but I didn't get your little introduction so it all slots together now! Really ambitious to cram so much in one frame but you can pull it off so why the heck not?!!