Friday 31 July 2009

'Speak up man'

July's theme was a slow starter but I really enjoyed it once the idea formed. I took my cue from the NATO phonetic alphabet, and after looking through some of the photo archives of the Big Picture, I knew what I wanted to do. The idea is you use the words to make sure someone at the other end of the line can understand what you're saying. It felt like this was a starting point and the project could go a number of ways so there's two versions here, see what you think.


Owen said...

Hey C, love the thought process. Really like the roughness of the top version. The real collage effect is good and I like the Morse Code detail around the border! There's something I like about the version with the words making up the buildings too but I've gotta admit I'm no big fan of that font! The helicopter is better in this one though.


Gallusness said...

Hey Christie. Like Owen I'm liking the thought process. Interesting as i didn't do much of that this month. Your ideas made me think of going all Apocalypse Now with something "Charlie, don't surf" inspired.

What I'm liking about your entries is of the three so far, they're all very different in style and finish.

I prefer the top version as think the the rough textures and the different use of elements going on just gels really well.

And it's got a helicopter and everything - pushes my buttons!

Reeko said...

Number two for me. Communicates the idea better! The font works for me as it looks military...

Love the collage style, you always do it so well. Cee has a lovely personal hand drawn style too and I'd love to see that on the next one...?!

Christie Photopoulou said...

looks like it's gonna have to be hand drawn!