Monday 6 July 2009

Untitled - delayed


Nevermind that it's the 6th, better late than never. I actually did this at the very beginning of the month but have been caught up in lots of freelance work and forgot to post it. Sorry kids!


Reeko said...

Ver' niiiiiiiiiice...

Love the ivy and the tracing around the type. So pretty composed and rendered.

A little whinge, I don't think you need the white outline on the leather book, but other than that, awesome!

Owen said...

Hey nice one Cee. Loving the intricate detail on the type and the perspective is cool.

As James says, the white border ain't quite right there, slightly off I think and prob unnecessary but nice one anyways!

Christie Photopoulou said...

yeah, I hear you re the white outline. might do the piece again at some point. as it was I'm just glad i managed to post twice in the past 2 months :-)

Gallusness said...

Hey Christie, sorry I forgot to leave my thoughts on this last month.

I like the typography and the vector work. Like how the vine/branches thread in and out of the title.

My random thought this (well last) month I kinda thought of the book in the Never Ending Story.

Now there was a flashback. Days in Primary school of getting into trouble for drawing 'The Nothing' when asked to draw what you liked from the film. Then secondly getting your drawing banned from the wall when you drew the scuddy statues with the laser beam shooting eyes. Which I suppose on reflection was fair enough, parents evening wasn't far off. Oh and for the record I didn't cry when the horse sunk, I laughed maybe I'm a bad person but it seemed funny.

I'm SO hoping the Never Ending Story was inflicted on you all. If not yeah… check it out, haha.