Sunday 30 August 2009

Underwater Love – Gallusness

This month has been an interesting one. The enforced limitation only added to the fun. The title didn't grab me straight away and there was a fair bit of humming and hawing. Away from IST I've started a new full time design role which has been my priority and keeping me busy. My entry has taken a back seat until a few days ago. It's been sketched out over a couple of train commutes and then inked up properly when I was happy with the scale and composition.

Subject wise I wanted to depict an unconventional love, as I'm guessing the fact that is underwater in the first place is adds to that. My head took me to drawing a worm and a hook and I guess I was amused by it being wrong and right in a number of ways. I guess love can be a strange beast and that's what I was hoping to show in a slightly tongue in cheek way.

In terms of finish the limitation was good in that I didn't overly worry about getting it totally right and slick. It was much quicker to do and it's certainly a million miles away from what I'd have done with the use of a computer, so I guess in that sense the limitation worked.

I had intended to add some bubbles (in the shape of love hearts) to help give it more context, but just plain forgot so yeah oooops. An interesting month really, I'll await the other posts, have a mull over a limitation and of course get ready to have a shuffle – hmmm.


Reeko said...

I like this a lot! Loving the way we've all gone black and white! Also we all (bar me) seem to have added a sense of humour into our images. Each one has made me smile and smirk!

I like your composition very much and the shape of the image which really comes to life as you scroll down the "big image" version.

Very tasty!

Owen said...

Yeah, I like your drawings Scott! Again, very charming and clean entry, good stuff! Think the heart shaped bubbles would have finished it off well and probably completed the idea better but still works as seen.