Monday 31 August 2009

Underwater Love - Jones

Hello guys and girl. No computers eh? What sort of plonker was I deciding on that rule?! Talk about shooting myself in the foot?

Actually, no, I enjoyed the chance to get back to basics and do some sketching. And having been ridiculously busy with lots of huge Photoshop files this last 2 weeks I've been able to use the 'saving and opening' times to construct my IST response.

There's no blue either. No colours in fact, all just a sketchathon. Hope you like. I think Ariel is enjoying it! ;)




Reeko said...

Very cheeky! A little oddly proportioned... but then I suppose how big are mermaid tails?! I take it all back.

Gallusness said...

Haha smut, love it. Like the free sketchy style. It's exactly the finish I'd have liked to have gone for. So nice idea, great take on the title – why do we use computers again?

Have any of you heard about the Little Mermaid original artwork? On the poster there was the golden underwater castle where she is meant to stay or live or end up in. Anyways seemingly a designer/illustrator was SO fed up with Disney being a nightmare to work for he inserted a 'phallic' shaped tower. It went unnoticed and ran for years until someone eventually clocked it.

I've been scared to investigate the story as I SO badly want that to be the case.

Good skills Mr. Owen

Gallusness said...

Can I just ask see bottom right hand corner is that your signature?