Thursday 30 April 2009

Like A Stone – Reeko

Arcylic on board, A1.

"In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone
I'll wait for you there
Alone "


Owen said...

Like it! Very dramatic. Lonely and very much in the feel of the song. Enjoying painting again mr R?!

Reeko said..., yeah! It's very relaxing, especially doing them nice and big.

My "studio" measures about 4sqm so painting is pretty tough, but I manage!

Also it gives me a break from the mouse/tablet. Me RSI is giving me grief, must be the changing weather.

Gallusness said...

Very very very nice. Love the finish, the colours, the composition, the feel. Yip, love it!

For me there is a real deep South Americana feeling about it. That to me really lends itself to the song and title.

The texture below the house is really sweetly done indeed.

If had one wee thing to say I'd have left just blue sky up above? But curious to know is that because of the lyrics? Know there was a reference to the sky being bruised.

Reeko said...

Glad you go the Americana reference, exactly what I was going for to sum the music up.

Interesting. No, I didn't leave the sky textured for that reason but I like it and think I'll have it!

I agree the sky is the weak area, I spent ages on it and never got it right... The reproduction of it isn't excellent either. Could do with some proper flood lights ;)...!

Claire C said...

Ooh. Very atmospheric. Makes me want to get my paints out again after years of neglect and make a glorious mess!